JavaScript Injection With Example:


Javascript injection (or Javascript source code injection) is closely related to HTML injection and Cross site scripting. In all these cases the input is interpreted as code rather than data. The code may break out of the current context and switch to another context. Alternatively an injection may stay in the current context but modify the source code.

"Context" is the type of code and object into which the injection occurs. For Javascript injection, this is often the value of a Javascript string being dynamically set.

An example of breaking context is injecting script tags into HTML output. The developer believes the context should be HTML (perhaps a table), but the input of script tags (with embedded script) causes the browser to stop processing HTML and switch to processing script. The context switch occurs when the browser stops executing the HTML instructions and instead executes the JS.

Injection within context could be injecting HTML into HTML output. Although the page source code is altered, the context remains the same.

Discovery Methodology

To find the injection, a canary can be used to check for two conditions. The first condition is user supplied or user controlled input is incorporated into Javascript. The second condition is that input is not encoded when output.

Identify the possible input parameters. Does the page take input from a form, URL parameter, cookie, or other input? HTTPFox and Burp Suite are a good tools to see all the input as you "GET" a page (the request) and all the output with which the server responds (the response).

Once you find the page input, try injecting a simple canary like "CANARY-INPUT-1" then search the resulting page to see where the canary showed up. If the input is used to create a portion of the Javascript, it may be possible to break out of the context and inject user-controlled Javascript. To test if the output is encoded, inject a test string such as "CANARY123!@#$%^&*()_+-=[]{};':",./<>?".

Searching for a canary on the actual browser output is not a good idea. Use the browsers "view source" to see the "real" response. Tools like HTTPFox are great for this as well. Tools with more features like Burp are even better but have more of a learning curve. Burp will remember the source of each page you visit as you spider the site.


Once the canary(ies) is located, identify what characters need to be injected to "end" the current instruction. Identify the characters that are needed to block out any instruction that comes after the canary. Put your injection in the middle.




function verbose () { alert("Hello World!"); }
<input type="button" value="Test" onclick="verbose()"/>

For this first example, we will be using this bare minimum HTML page with only one button – Clicking on it will show an alert box with “Hello World”, and we are going to use the developer’s console to hijack this behavior.



<input type="text" id="txt-field" value="uvuwewewe onyetenyevwe uvwewenum osas"/>

This method is probably one of the oldest ways to do Javascript injection – By entering Javascript into the address bar itself. For that, we will be working on this simple input field.



  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. 
  Well done! <script>alert("HAHA!");</script>

This final example is a tad bit different. How it works is simple, just submit a comment or review, but insert your own <script> tag inside.For example, Well done! <script>alert("HAHA!");</script>.

But take note, this will only work on websites with poor security. Without any checks, the website will save this comment into the database, and load the <script> tag into the comments section as-it-is. That’s it. The page is done, and we can do all sorts of funny things by inserting our own scripts.


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